Overview of Peg Solitaire

Overview of Peg Solitaire

by John Vincent

Posted on March 9, 2017


Peg Solitaire

Peg Solitaire at Wikipedia

Peg Solitaire is a game that consists of a board with 33 holes arranged in the pattern given in the picture above. At the start, every hole except the center is filled with a peg. The player then starts jumping pegs. Any peg that is jumped over is removed, just as in checkers. Vertical and horizontal jumps are allowed, but diagonal jumps are forbidden. The goal is to reach a position where only one peg remains, and that peg is in the center hole.

Live Deployment

Play Peg Solitaire




Production Deployment

Deployment Overview

Deployed to Digital Ocean along with the main website. See Overview of johnvincent.io website

The following details the changes that were made to that environment.

Install and Configure Java

Update the system

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

install the default JDK

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Check java version

java -version

Nginx Server Configuration


server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    server_name peg-solitaire.johnvincent.io www.peg-solitaire.johnvincent.io;
    return 301 https://www.peg-solitaire.johnvincent.io$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    include snippets/ssl-peg-solitaire-johnvincent.io.conf;
    include snippets/ssl-params.conf;

    server_name peg-solitaire.johnvincent.io;
    return 301 https://www.peg-solitaire.johnvincent.io$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    include snippets/ssl-peg-solitaire-johnvincent.io.conf;
    include snippets/ssl-params.conf;
    include h5bp/basic.conf;

    root /var/www/peg-solitaire/html;

    index index.html;

    server_name www.peg-solitaire.johnvincent.io;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
    location /api {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:9417/solution;
    location ~ /.well-known {
         allow all;

Notice the proxy to the SpringBoot Microservice

location /api {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:9417/solution;

Deployment script


#  script to get, build and deploy apps to nginx
# setup ssh to github
echo "setup ssh to github"
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
ssh-add -k ~/.ssh/id_github
cd tmp
echo "Removing clones directory $CLONES_DIR"
rm -rf $CLONES_DIR
echo "Creating clones directory $CLONES_DIR"
echo "Git clone desired repositories to $CLONES_DIR"
git clone git@github.com:johnvincentio/peg-solitaire $CLONES_DIR/peg-solitaire
git clone git@github.com:johnvincentio/peg-solitaire-server $CLONES_DIR/peg-solitaire-server
# Delete files in nginx docroot
echo "Delete files in Nginx Docroot"
rm -rf $DOCROOT_DIR/*
# Copy files to nginx docroot
echo "Copy files to Nginx Docroot"
cp -r /home/jv/clones/peg-solitaire/* $DOCROOT_DIR
# set permissions
echo "Setting permissions on $DOCROOT_DIR"
sudo chown -R jv:jv $DOCROOT_DIR
sudo chmod 0755 $DOCROOT_DIR
find $DOCROOT_DIR -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 # For directories
find $DOCROOT_DIR -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 # For files

# Delete files in nginx server-root
echo "Delete files in server root $SERVER_ROOT_DIR"

# Copy files to server root
echo "Copy files to server root"
cp /home/jv/clones/peg-solitaire-server/solitaire.jar $SERVER_ROOT_DIR
cp /home/jv/clones/peg-solitaire-server/solitaire/solitaire.json $SERVER_ROOT_DIR

echo "Setting permissions on $SERVER_ROOT_DIR"
sudo chown -R jv:jv $SERVER_ROOT_DIR
sudo chmod 0755 $SERVER_ROOT_DIR
find $SERVER_ROOT_DIR -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 # For directories
find $SERVER_ROOT_DIR -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 # For files

echo "Handle PM2"

echo "Restarting Nginx"

echo "Completed"

Spring Microservice

Notice the copy to /var/www/peg-solitaire/server of

  • solitaire.jar
  • solitaire.json

Keep SpringBoot Microservice running

The deployment uses PM2 to keep the Microservice running.

Create /var/www/peg-solitaire/solitaire.json

        "log_date_format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",

Pm2 Control Script

Modify handle-pm2

# script to add tasks to pm2 if not already added, or to restart
# the tasks if they have already been added.
echo "Current PM2 status"
pm2 list
echo "Check status of music server"
pm2 describe server > /dev/null
if [ "${RUNNING}" -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Adding music server to PM2"
  cd /var/www/music/server
  pm2 start server.js
  echo "Restarting music server"
  pm2 restart server

echo "Check status of peg-solitaire server"
pm2 describe peg-solitaire-server > /dev/null
if [ "${RUNNING}" -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "Adding peg-solitaire-server to PM2"
	cd /var/www/peg-solitaire/server
  pm2 start solitaire.json
  echo "Restarting peg-solitaire-server"
  pm2 restart peg-solitaire-server

echo "Show current pm2 status"
pm2 list

echo "Restarting PM2"
pm2 restart all

Production Testing

To test the SpringBoot Microservice from a server

wget http://localhost:9417/solution

To test the SpringBoot Microservice from a browser


Production Status

To show the state of all services

pm2 list

To show the state of the microservice

pm2 show peg-solitaire-server 

Notice the logs may be found at


To monitor the microservice

pm2 monit peg-solitaire-server 


Peg Solitaire Client is a browser based client.

Peg Solitaire Server is a SpringBoot Microservice that provides solutions.

Peg Solitaire Solutions is a node application that calculates all possible solutions.

Build SpingBoot Microservice

Spring Initializr

Dependency: Spring Web

Start Eclipse-jee from /Users/jv/Desktop/MyDevelopment/github/projects/peg-solitaire-server

Import Project from /Users/jv/Desktop/MyDevelopment/github/projects/peg-solitaire-server

Server Port

Edit application.properties and add server.port=9417

Execute the service

cd /Users/jv/Desktop/MyDevelopment/github/projects/peg-solitaire-server/solitaire
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Test the service




Build Microservice as an executable Jar

Create /Users/jv/Desktop/MyDevelopment/github/projects/peg-solitaire-server/solitaire/create-package

# script to create Jar
echo "Maven clean and make the package"
./mvnw clean package

echo "Save Jar"
cp target/solitaire-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ../solitaire.jar

echo "Completed"

Run the script create-package


java -jar solitaire.jar

Test using



wget http://localhost:9417/solution?id=10000

Test the client

Create /Users/jv/Desktop/MyDevelopment/github/website/peg-solitaire/run-http-server

#  script to run http server
echo "Run HTTP server on port $PORT"
run-http-server $PORT .

Start HTTP Server

cd /Users/jv/Desktop/MyDevelopment/github/website/peg-solitaire


and test


The proxy of the /api to a microservice http://localhost:9517/solution will cause CORS problems.

SpringBoot has a built-in solution.

	@CrossOrigin(origins = "*", allowedHeaders = "*")
	public List<Solution> findSolution(@RequestParam(value = "id", defaultValue = "0") int id) {
		StringBuffer sb = getFileContents(id);
		List<Solution> list = Utils.JSONArraytoListObject(sb.toString());
		return list;

This implementation allows all. To be more restrictive, use something like

@CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:9501")
CRUD testing with wget and curlOverview of Rijksmuseum Collection