Mocha Chai Notes

Mocha Chai Quick Reference

Mocha Chai Notes

by John Vincent

Posted on June 1, 2017

Put in one place those pesky Mocha/Chai options.

This stuff ends up sprayed everywhere, so let's create a reference document.


  • Mocha is a test framework.
  • Chai is an assertion library.
  • Faker fakes variable values.

Install for Node

npm init
npm install --save-dev mocha
npm install --save-dev chai
npm install --save-dev chai-http
npm install --save-dev faker
Add to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node main.js",
    "test": "mocha",
    "test-2": "ENV_1=value1 ENV_2=true mocha"

and then

npm start

npm test

Basic Code


const Game = require("./game.js");
const Board = require("./board.js");

const board = new Board();
const game = new Game(board);



class Board {
	constructor() {

* initial setup of the board model
	init() {
		this.rows = [];
		for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
			var row = [];
			for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++) {
				var legal = true;
				var occupied = true;
				if (!this.isLegal(x, y)) {
					legal = false;
					occupied = false;
				if (x === 3 && y === 3) {
					occupied = false;
				row.push({ legal: legal, occupied: occupied });

* empty the board model
	empty_board() {
		this.rows = [];
		for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
			var row = [];
			for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++) {
				var legal = true;
				var occupied = false;
				if (!this.isLegal(x, y)) {
					legal = false;
				row.push({ legal: legal, occupied: occupied });

* The board is treated as a square, so the function is used to determine which squares are
* within the board
	isLegal(row, column) {
		if (row < 0 || row > 6) {
			return false;
		if (column < 0 || column > 6) {
			return false;
		if (row === 0 || row === 1 || row === 5 || row === 6) {
			if (column === 0 || column === 1 || column === 5 || column === 6) {
				return false;
		return true;

	isOccupied(row, column) {
		if (!this.isLegal(row, column)) {
			throw Error(`Exception in isOccupied(); row ${row} column ${column} is not legal`);
		return this.rows[row][column].occupied;

	setEmpty(row, column) {
		if (!this.isLegal(row, column)) {
			throw Error(`Exception in setEmpty(); row ${row} column ${column} is not legal`);
		this.rows[row][column].occupied = false;

	setOccupied(row, column) {
		if (!this.isLegal(row, column)) {
			throw Error(`Exception in setEmpty(); row ${row} column ${column} is not legal`);
		this.rows[row][column].occupied = true;

* Look for any legal move from (row, column)
* Return:
*    true => >= 1 legal move from (row, column) was found.
*    false => there are no legal moves from (row, column)
	//    anyLegalFromMoves(row, column) {
	//        return this.isFromUpMoveLegal(row, column) ||
	//                this.isFromDownMoveLegal(row, column) ||
	//                this.isFromLeftMoveLegal(row, column) ||
	//                this.isFromRightMoveLegal(row, column);
	//    }

	makeMoveStatus(status, from_row, from_column, via_row, via_column, to_row, to_column, type) {
		return {
			status: status,
			from: { row: from_row, column: from_column },
			via: { row: via_row, column: via_column },
			to: { row: to_row, column: to_column },
			type: type,

	findMove(row, column, type) {
		for (let current = type; current < 5; current++) {
			if (current === 1) {
				if (this.isFromUpMoveLegal(row, column)) {
					return this.makeMoveStatus("OK", row, column, row - 1, column, row - 2, column, current);
			} else if (current === 2) {
				if (this.isFromRightMoveLegal(row, column)) {
					return this.makeMoveStatus("OK", row, column, row, column + 1, row, column + 2, current);
			} else if (current === 3) {
				if (this.isFromDownMoveLegal(row, column)) {
					return this.makeMoveStatus("OK", row, column, row + 1, column, row + 2, column, current);
			} else if (current === 4) {
				if (this.isFromLeftMoveLegal(row, column)) {
					return this.makeMoveStatus("OK", row, column, row, column - 1, row, column - 2, current);
		return { status: "None" };

* 1. Verify from and to are the 2 tiles apart, on a straight line.
* 2. Calculate the tile between from & to.
* 3. Verify from tile is legal and is occupied.
* 4. Verify in between tile is legal and is occupied.
* 5. Verify to tile is legal and is not occupied.
* 6. Update data model:
* 6a. Set from tile to empty
* 6b. Set in between tile to empty
* 6c. Set to tile to occupied.
	makeMove(move) {
		//        console.log(">>> makeMove; move "+JSON.stringify(move));
		let { status, from, to, via } = move;
		if (status !== "OK") {
			throw Error(`Exception in makeMove(); move ${move} is invalid status`);

		if (!this.isLegal(from.row, from.column) || !this.isOccupied(from.row, from.column)) {
			// 3
			throw Error(`Exception in makeMove(); from in ${move} is invalid`);
		if (!this.isLegal(via.row, via.column) || !this.isOccupied(via.row, via.column)) {
			// 4
			throw Error(`Exception in makeMove(); via in ${move} is invalid`);
		if (!this.isLegal(to.row, to.column) || this.isOccupied(to.row, to.column)) {
			// 5
			throw Error(`Exception in makeMove(); to in ${move} is invalid`);

		this.setEmpty(from.row, from.column); // 6a
		this.setEmpty(via.row, via.column); // 6b
		this.setOccupied(to.row, to.column); // 6c

		//        console.log("<<< makeMove; move "+JSON.stringify(move));
		return true;

	deleteMove(move) {
		//        console.log(">>> deleteMove; move "+JSON.stringify(move));
		let { status, from, to, via } = move;
		if (status !== "OK") {
			throw Error(`Exception in deleteMove(); move ${move} is invalid status`);
		this.setOccupied(from.row, from.column);
		this.setOccupied(via.row, via.column);
		this.setEmpty(to.row, to.column);
		//        console.log("<<< deleteMove; move "+JSON.stringify(move));

	isFromUpMoveLegal(row, column) {
		return (
			this.isLegal(row, column) &&
			this.isOccupied(row, column) &&
			this.isLegal(row - 1, column) &&
			this.isOccupied(row - 1, column) &&
			this.isLegal(row - 2, column) &&
			!this.isOccupied(row - 2, column)
	isFromRightMoveLegal(row, column) {
		return (
			this.isLegal(row, column) &&
			this.isOccupied(row, column) &&
			this.isLegal(row, column + 1) &&
			this.isOccupied(row, column + 1) &&
			this.isLegal(row, column + 2) &&
			!this.isOccupied(row, column + 2)
	isFromDownMoveLegal(row, column) {
		return (
			this.isLegal(row, column) &&
			this.isOccupied(row, column) &&
			this.isLegal(row + 1, column) &&
			this.isOccupied(row + 1, column) &&
			this.isLegal(row + 2, column) &&
			!this.isOccupied(row + 2, column)
	isFromLeftMoveLegal(row, column) {
		return (
			this.isLegal(row, column) &&
			this.isOccupied(row, column) &&
			this.isLegal(row, column - 1) &&
			this.isOccupied(row, column - 1) &&
			this.isLegal(row, column - 2) &&
			!this.isOccupied(row, column - 2)

module.exports = Board;

Basic Tests

Test files go in folder test

For example, test-board.js

const Board = require("../board");


var expect = require("chai").expect;

describe("test Board.isLegal()", function() {
	it("isLegal() should return boolean", function() {
		let board = new Board();
		let ans = board.isLegal(-1, -1);"boolean");

	it("isLegal() should understand legal tiles", function() {
		let board = new Board();

		for (let row = -3; row < 10; row++) {
			for (let col = -5; col < 11; col++) {
				if (row < 0 || row > 6 || col < 0 || col > 6) {
					board.isLegal(row, col).should.equal(false);
				if (row === 0 || row === 1 || row === 5 || row === 6) {
					if (col === 0 || col === 1 || col === 5 || col === 6) {
						board.isLegal(row, col).should.equal(false);
				board.isLegal(row, col).should.equal(true);

describe("testBoard.isOccupied()", function() {
	it("isOccupied(-1, -1) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().isOccupied(-1, -1);

	it("isOccupied(-1, 3) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().isOccupied(-1, 3);

	it("isOccupied(3, -1) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().isOccupied(3, -1);

	it("isOccupied(3, -1) should not throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().isOccupied(3, 3);

	it("isOccupied(3, 3) of a legal tile should return boolean", function() {
		new Board().isOccupied(3, 3)"boolean");

	it("isOccupied() should understand initial setup", function() {
		let board = new Board();

		for (let row = -3; row < 10; row++) {
			for (let col = -5; col < 11; col++) {
				if (row < 0 || row > 6 || col < 0 || col > 6) {
				if (row === 0 || row === 1 || row === 5 || row === 6) {
					if (col === 0 || col === 1 || col === 5 || col === 6) {
				if (row === 3 && col === 3) {
					board.isOccupied(row, col).should.equal(false);
				} else {
					board.isOccupied(row, col).should.equal(true);

describe("testBoard.setEmpty()", function() {
	it("setEmpty(-1, -1) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setEmpty(-1, -1);

	it("setEmpty(-1, 3) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setEmpty(-1, 3);

	it("setEmpty(3, -1) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setEmpty(3, -1);

	it("setEmpty(3, -1) should not throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setEmpty(3, 3);

	it("setEmpty(2, 3) of a legal tile should return boolean", function() {
		new Board().isOccupied(2, 3)"boolean");

	it("setEmpty(2, 3) of an occupied tile should return empty", function() {
		let board = new Board();
		board.isOccupied(2, 3).should.equal(true);
		board.setEmpty(2, 3);
		board.isOccupied(2, 3).should.equal(false);

	it("setEmpty() should understand initial setup", function() {
		let board = new Board();

		for (let row = -3; row < 10; row++) {
			for (let col = -5; col < 11; col++) {
				if (row < 0 || row > 6 || col < 0 || col > 6) {
				if (row === 0 || row === 1 || row === 5 || row === 6) {
					if (col === 0 || col === 1 || col === 5 || col === 6) {
				board.setEmpty(row, col);
				board.isOccupied(row, col).should.equal(false);

describe("testBoard.setOccupied()", function() {
	it("setOccupied(-1, -1) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setOccupied(-1, -1);

	it("setOccupied(-1, 3) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setOccupied(-1, 3);

	it("setOccupied(3, -1) should throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setOccupied(3, -1);

	it("setOccupied(3, -1) should not throw Error", function() {
		expect(function() {
			new Board().setOccupied(3, 3);

	it("setOccupied(3, 3) of an occupied tile should return occupied", function() {
		let board = new Board();
		board.isOccupied(3, 3).should.equal(false);
		board.setOccupied(3, 3);
		board.isOccupied(3, 3).should.equal(true);

	it("setEmpty() should understand initial setup", function() {
		let board = new Board();

		for (let row = -3; row < 10; row++) {
			for (let col = -5; col < 11; col++) {
				if (row < 0 || row > 6 || col < 0 || col > 6) {
				if (row === 0 || row === 1 || row === 5 || row === 6) {
					if (col === 0 || col === 1 || col === 5 || col === 6) {
				board.setEmpty(row, col);
				board.isOccupied(row, col).should.equal(false);

Install for Server

npm install --save-dev mocha
npm install --save-dev chai
npm install --save-dev chai-http
npm install --save-dev faker

Note that faker is not required, but I use it so frequently that I always just add it.

Other changes to package.json

"scripts": {
  "start": "nodemon server.js",
  "test": "mocha ./test",
  "devtool-app": "devtool server.js",
  "devtool-test": "devtool ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha ./test"

Note, if deploying to Heroku, do not use nodemon

  "scripts": {
      "start": "node server.js",
      "test": "mocha ./test",
      "devtool-app": "devtool server.js",
      "devtool-test": "devtool ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha ./test"

Heroku does not load the environment before starting mocha, thus

"test": "MY-KEY=value mocha ./test"

To run all tests in sub-folders

"test": "mocha --recursive ./test"


Mocha recursively looks for .js files in a test folder

npm test

To setup Mocha tests in Visual Studio Code, please see my notes

Set Order of Mocha Tests


"test": "mocha ./test"

Include the tests in the order you want to run them, for example


  • test/utils/data.js contains test data as Json.
  • test/utils/check.js verifies the data structures are correct.

As a best practice, use the following pattern to describe each test

describe('test-countArticles; Test SubscriptionUtils::countArticles', function() {
  • test-countArticles; file name containing the tests
  • Test SubscriptionUtils::countArticles; what is being tested.

Select Tests

Run tests in a describe/it block


Skip a block/it



retrieveUserSubscription(url, userSubscriptions) {
    return url && userSubscriptions && userSubscriptions.length ?
        userSubscriptions.find(test => test.url === url)
        : undefined;

which will return undefined for unexpected conditions.

The test case could just check for undefined.

An alternative is to throw an exception.


For example:

class SubscriptionUtils {

retrieveSubscription(url, allSubscriptions) {
    if (url && allSubscriptions && allSubscriptions.length) {
        return allSubscriptions.find(test => test.url === url);
    throw Error('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');

test code:

expect(function() { subscriptionUtils.retrieveSubscription(url, null); }).to.throw('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');
expect(function() { subscriptionUtils.retrieveSubscription(null, _subscriptions); }).to.throw('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');
expect(function() { subscriptionUtils.retrieveSubscription(null, null); }).to.throw('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');

expect(function() { subscriptionUtils.retrieveSubscription(url, undefined); }).to.throw('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');
expect(function() { subscriptionUtils.retrieveSubscription(undefined, _subscriptions); }).to.throw('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');
expect(function() { subscriptionUtils.retrieveSubscription(undefined, undefined); }).to.throw('Exception in SubscriptionUtils::retrieveSubscription');
try {}
catch(e) {;
badInputs.forEach(function(input) {
  (function() {
      adder(input[0], input[1]);



Common code usage


item.should.include.keys(expectedKeys);`${} ${}`);


res.body.should.deep.equal(Object.assign(newItem, {id:}));
(new Board()).isOccupied(3, 3)'boolean');








some day...

assert = require('assert')

Avoid Time Outs

it('test long running test', () => {

Google Custom Search and JekyllServer Logging with Winston